Solar Tracking System Using Ldr Project Report

1dual axis solar trackera project report submittedin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofbachlor of technologyinelectronics communicationbyswetansh mani shrivastava 1003331910 under the supervision ofassist.
Solar tracking system using ldr project report. 1 2 problem statement a solar tracker device has a wide range of applications to improve harnessing. In this article we are going to make a sun tracking solar panel using arduino in which we will use two ldrs light dependent resistor to sense the light and a servo motor to automatically rotate the solar panel in the direction of the sun light advantage of this project is that solar panel will always follow the sun light will always face towards the sun to get charge all the time and can. We can harness solar energy by either converting it into electricity using solar cell or using solar thermal energy by means of solar cooker solar water heater or by using it to heat or cool a room using solar passive systems. The unit built is protected against gusts ofwind 50m hr or greater that could potentially damage it in which case the panel would be placed in a protective position.
Dual axis solar tracker using ldr as a sensor 1. Automatic solar panel tracking system using ldr sensor for effective energy generation developed by team edo square.